CAARA is an ARRL Special Service Club
located at 6 Stanwood Street in
Gloucester Massachusetts.

September 2018 Annual Meeting, Minutes

Meeting Date: Saturday, September 22, 2018

Meeting called to order at 12:00 noon by Jon K1TP. 16 Members present.

  1. Previous Meeting Notes: Rob KB1WJC, Clerk.

    Previous meeting notes taken by Larry Beaulieux-distributed written copies for review.

  2. New Business:
    Dave Linsky presented several awards to various members and friends. A few that were noted: Jon Cunningham K1TP, Gardi Winchester KA1BTK, Elizabeth and Tony Sarracino, Dick Ober, Glenn Pike KG1P, Eric Horowitz KA1NCF, Ruth Hodsdon WW1N, Mike Burke K1MB, Stan Stone W1HIX … and many more. Thanks for your service.

  3. Voting for officers:
    Bill Poulin W1LZ suggested alternating Pres and VP terms optimally will offset years. Discussion ensued and the idea was tabled.

    Jon Cunningham K1TP suggested we look into changing bylaws for Saturday meetings vs. the existing Wed PM verbiage.

    Stan Stone W1HIX was nominated from the floor and accepted for an open BOD position. Larry Beaulieu AJ1Z made a motion to accept the slate of officers. Bill Canty W1OKD second the motion. Membership unanimously accepted.

  4. Treasurer's Annual Report

  5. Adjournment:
    Motion to Adjourn by: Larry AJ1Z.
    Seconded by: Jake W1LDL.
    Vote: Unanimous.
    Adjourned at: 12:20 PM.

Click here for a printable copy of this report.